Friday, January 27, 2012

An Opportunity

It's time to get serious. A dear friend of mine sent me a link to a potential writing/reading gig. Cool -- a way for me to buckle down and get focused! Well, this is not just going to require focus, typing away on my laptop. NAY -- this is a full-blown audition and attempting to make the cut, and then rehearsing, and then doing a full-on reading/entertainment piece in front of an audience! YIKES! But also, AWESOME! Here is the website: I'm signed up and have a spot for an audition! For the first few moments of savoring this upcoming experience, I fantasized not about the piece I am going to present, but about the outfit that I need to buy for the audition. Then, reality began its soft and steady knock on fantasy's door: the written piece that I will present is still just a random collection of words swirling in the ethers. It's time to get serious.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Guilt vs. vineyard

Grandma is coming to pick up the girls so that they can eat junk food, stay up way too late, watch tv nonstop, *spend the night*, and revel in grandchildness....meanwhile, Marvin and I are going to a winery and are going to a fancy restaurant! I don't know what I am going to wear. I have mom clothes and professional clothes, but no hot date clothes. I need to rectify this situation! When I think about not having kids around for a 24-hour period, I get a little butterfly action in my tummy. But then, like right now, I'm watching them play and I think that they're my best inventions, and I feel like a turd for looking forward to being alone. Dear brain, why the double-edged sword?????

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wiiiiiiiinnneeee. It is my truth serum. I love tv. More specifically, I love the real housewives of bev hills, and I love The Office, and I love Up All Night. The latter is Christina Applegate acting the part of MMMEEEEE. I didn't know that NBC had been following me on my nonexistent blog, or on nonexistent cameras in my house. Big, nay, HUGE opportunities for growth at work...but I still want my Mondays with my daughters? Yup.